If anyone has a better suggestion for a blog title, feel free to tell me.

Gotta love Monty Python.

Monday, July 19, 2010


du-ri-an: the edible fruit of a tree, Durio zibethinus, of the bombax family, of southeastern Asia, having a hard, prickly rind, a highly flavored, pulpy flesh, and an unpleasant odor.

/end random definition

Ah ha...woops.

I did not intend to not post something for more than a month. I know no one is reading this, but I still feel bad that I've been so inconsistent.

Maybe it'd be a better goal to try to post every few days, not every couple days like I wanted. Since it's summer, I've been losing track of the days and days flow by like nothing else when I'm not paying attention. Even though I have so much to do it's so easy for time to disappear...it's not a good thing, definitely. I've always been loose with my time even though I don't actually have much of it and should be more careful. There are some things for school that I should start on and haven't yet, though summer is almost over already. Where did time go?

Well, out the window, really. It just disappeared, and I'm not getting it back. Even though I kinda need it to practice bass clarinet for the chair auditions, because I majorly do not want to be kicked back into Concert Band. I don't think I could survive another year of that. It'd also be nice to work on my Personal Project, to get a head start on that. And to work on stuff for my college goals, like starting the craft business I want to, and to build up my extra curriculars. Ugh, those extra curriculars. >_>

On a different topic, I want a tablet, more specifically a Wacom Bamboo Fun. I do like to draw, but right now I'm only able to do traditional because I don't have a tablet. My sister got a tablet computer, with a touchscreen built in and it came with Corel Painter and I totally want to hijack it from her so I can draw on it. Buuuut she's so annoying and mean and stuff so she isn't letting me have it, even though she kept hijacking MY laptop because her old one was slow. At least a Bamboo Fun won't cost a thousand bucks like her tablet PC did. I may be able to buy a tablet for myself if I try really hard.

Anyways, I saw the movie Inception recently. I really enjoyed it, though it made my head hurt. I personally can't even imagine technology like that becoming real, but it was super awesome and a really unique concept. I have to add it to my 'favorite movies' list soon.

I would love to say something deep and special here like I did with my first few posts, but I'm really not in the mindset and I can't think of anything meaningful that wouldn't take forever to type out.

But I would like to say how much I hate the show "The Bachelor(ette)". I usually try to avoid it, but unfortunately I encountered it today at dinner...my dad likes to have the TV on no matter if there aren't any good shows on, and the ten or so minutes of "The Bachelorette" I endured just reenforced my opinion of it, which is negative. I could go on about it and various other forms of 'romance' (i.e. Twilight) for forever, so maybe next time.

Salem out.

Monday, June 14, 2010


So...no deep writing contemplating the meaning of life or whatever (which, btw, is 42) today.

It's already kinda late, so just a short description of last Sunday. Right now it's kinda hard for me to get my thoughts together, I'm not completely sure why. (Beware, this probably will result in the abuse of italics and smilies. :B) I haven't posted anything in a while either.


I went with two friends to the Colorado Renaissance Festival. It was cold and rainy, resulting in frozen fingers and muddy shoes. It was still pretty fun though, going around looking at and occasionally buying insanely expensive stuff.

We went this past weekend because there was a promotion that if you went the opening weekend, you could buy one adult ticket (approximately $19) and get one free with a coupon that was ridiculously easy to get. So I figured I could save me and my friends money by going. What I didn't save was quite a bit of pain from being so cold and wet. My shoe liking to dig into the back of my heel didn't really help either but at least eventually my feet became so numb from the cold I didn't feel it any more.

The weather forecast had predicted a chance of rain and a high somewhere in the 60s. Maybe it was because I live in a slightly different area than the Festival was, but it was really freaking cold and wet. And muddy. Really muddy. I mean, one shopkeeper sat on a stool at the front of her shop yelling "Watch out for the wet sloopy mud!" because apparently three people had already slipped in the wet sloopy mud (she said one bounced XD), which happened to be particularlly bad right in front of her store. The sun came out for about half a minute at one point, and a vendor's huge fabric umbrella started steaming. A lot. It was awesome.

That's just Colorado. Anyways.

I think it's pretty cool that most of the stuff that those vendors make is handmade. Though that does result in high prices. I spent around $70 there, on just a couple of things. One was a real tail. I think it may be a wolf tail, or something bigger than a fox. The fox tails were a bit small, and this one was called 'extra fancy'. Extra big, too, from the looks of it. Probably too big to be a fox's. (And I know you PETA people are just itching to start hating on me. Don't even start.) I've been wearing it around a lot at home. I'm also especially happy with my purchase of a three stone rings. They were suprisingly well priced and quite beautiful. (I've been getting more into rings again. :3) I also got my sister, who's not here right now, thank goodness, a little carved stone armadillo. Maybe she can take it with her to college so she won't forget who her family is.

I'm especially proud of myself because I arranged this trip all by myself! Quite unusually, I actually organized a social outing between me and my friends. Of course, I had to call like, ten people to find three who would go and then in the end one couldn't come anyways, buuuuut I think it was worth it. I've like, basically never done anything like that before, except some birthday parties. :D

Well, I guess I should wrap this up. But one last thing: you know stuff is super duper expensive when dinky little ear cuffs for $8 looks like a good deal.

Salem out.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


-gamy is a root meaning marriage. It is used in words like monogamy or polygamy, which mean "marriage to one person" and "marriage to more than one person" respectively. I don't know any other words using -gamy off the top of my head, though.

I've wondered about marriage and people for a long time now, weird as it sounds. What I've been thinking about is the natural tendencies of humans.

Religion plays a huge role in relation to marriage. In general, as many people are Christian, it is generally accepted that people have monogamous relationships. Polygamous marriages are generally viewed as strange or weird to the general public, though there are factions (such as some Mormons) who steadfastly stand by their beliefs. However, it can't be denied that most of the world is overwhelmingly monogamous.

What I have been thinking about, however, is what humans naturally would tend towards if there was not any interference from religion, ever since the beginning. I'm not absolutely positive on this, but from what I know some animals are polygamous (ah ha, well, in their form of 'marriage') and some are monogamous. Lions, for example, are widely known as a species where the male has several female mates. There are a lot of animals who mate for life with one partner as well.

So, the question is, if humans had never developed religion, would they naturally be monogamous or polygamous?

Finding the answer to that question needs to take some factors into account. One is, are we considering humans as they would be if they developed exactly the same as they have nowdays (i.e. same technology, advancements, societal rules and moral obligations, just without religion) or more as 'animals', the same as the common beast, with no law and civilization? Would removing religion from the equation result in a more disorganized, chaotic society? I don't think we could ever find that out.

Either way, I'll bet that humans would have problems. I mean, they even have problems now, in modern, current-day society, the most obvious being people who cheat on their significant other. If there are people who go out of their way to have more than one lover/mate, does it mean that people would be polygamous? But then it could be considered that either the cheater likes to have more than one lover/mate, or that they just don't love the first one any more but doesn't want to break up. But are we looking at this with humans on the same level as animals? Do animals even 'love' or do they just go for the best mate? Argh. There are too many ways to look at this.

Anyways, if humans are naturally polygamous, I can foresee a rather disruptive society. I personally believe that humans are naturally jealous, so, for example, if a husband has several wives, the wives would be jealous of each other if the husband happens to favor one over the others, which is inevitable. But humans would also have problems being monogamous, as there would always be a prettier/handsomer/better-whatever-than-current-lover/mate person out there. I think that that is why modern society has rules (whether dictated by religion or not) that in most cases say that a couple must stick with each other, no matter what. Then again, rules are made to be broken, and thus problems are created.

In the end, I think that it is impossible to determine what humans would naturally be inclined to do, as religion, civilization, technology, etc. did happen and there's no way to turn back time. But I am of the belief that no matter what humans would naturally do, the best way for civilization as it currently exists is for people to be monogamous. It probably prevents more hassle than it creates.

Salem out.

PS I refuse to change my layout to one of the new ones that they seem to be promoting. I hope that doesn't cause any trouble, but personally I like this nice, plain one I'm using.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


So this last weekend I hung out with a friend of mine who I haven't seen in a long while. It's kind of sad, because it's not that we live far away from each other or anything, it's just that during the school year we never had time to hang out. We went to school together in 3rd and 5th grade (I was homeschooled for 4th) and then after that, we haven't had school together. We're really good friends though, I would say she's my best friend.

It's really hard for me to keep up my social relationships with my friends, unless we go to the same school. I dunno if it's just some defect of my own (which it is, probably) or if it's just natural. I figure that it's mainly my problem, because other people seem to be able to keep in touch with anyone and everyone they've ever met.

It'd be nice if I could keep up friendships, but for the longest time I didn't have many friends in the first place, because when I was little I felt that no one understood the way I liked to think and play. It may have been true, but that didn't change that fact that I was a lonely little girl. Not lonely per se, because I was fine with being by myself, but just like, alone.

I'm not very outgoing, and I only like associating with certain types of people, so my type of friendship takes a looooong time to build up. It took me all three years of middle school to become really good friends with several people, but when I switched to high school they all went to a different school, so it's hard to keep in touch. Now it feels like all that effort is wasted, because now I'm so out of the loop that even meeting up with them once in awhile doesn't do anything. My mom tells me that I have to actively cultivate friendships, but that's so contrary to my nature that I can't, really.

I'm rather sad, because many of my friends this past year were juniors, so they'll be graduating soon. Because of that, I won't be able to do my whole 'slowly become super good friends' routine because they'll be gone after next year. Unfortunately, I don't really like most of the people in my class, either, and the people that are okay have already formed their own groups of friends from middle school. Again, my mom tells me that I should break into those groups so that I can be friends with them but that's even more contrary to my nature than actively forming friendships. I like, abhor the idea. Just the mention of joining someone else's conversation...ugh. *cringes*

Maybe it's because I have a strong sense of awkward situations and am extremely afraid of being embarrassed. If so, then...I guess there's nothing I can do about it. Maybe I'll get less socially awkward when I'm older and people get more mature.

Salem out.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

First post yay?

So...this is my first post on my new blog.

I guess I should be excited or something, but I'm really not. Maybe it's because I don't really expect much to come from this blog. Like, two people besides me reading it would exceed my expectations. Okay, maybe just one.

I don't even know what to name this. I don't want anything deep, but I don't want something corny either, especially something that's corny but trying to sound deep. [insert name here] works (like that's not corny), but I want something real. Things like 'My blog' don't fit well with me, and neither do things like 'Gumdrops' or 'Thoughts from a Raincloud' or whatever. Maybe I'll come up with something eventually.

Ah ha. I think I'm going to call it 'The Other Side'. That's what I call my cafe and hotel on Facebook, anyways. Not trying to be deep or anything, so poo for you if you think of it that way.

I made this so that I could write down my thoughts, which I haven't done before. I've told them to people, but describing what you think out loud is different from writing them down. From what I can tell, writing them down is harder. They make less sense, and sound stupider if the reader doesn't understand. But it's a good experience, probably.

I think I was actually most inspired to do this by a HeadTrip comic I read. The character, Lilian, appears to be similar to me, personality-wise. (Maybe I'm assuming too much. I'll never be as cool as her.) Anyways, there was a scene where she was blogging out her problems, and I was like, 'OMG! I'm like that too!' So here I am, blogging away.

What are you supposed to do on a blog, anyways? From what I know, people usually write about their lives. I figure that that means that I should too. So, I think that besides my thoughts on various things I'll write mainly about my life, obviously. Maybe particularly how it pertains to my thoughts.

Interestingly enough, I kind of don't want anyone I know in real life to read this. They might personally know the people or things I'm talking about. So if you know me in real life, go away.

Salem out.

PS 'Blog' is such an unattractive word.